Well since we did overrated bands, it's only right that we do underrated too right? On the other side of the coin, there are bands struggling to gain recognition in the vast field. And where some get success due to looks or media coverage, others fight for everything they have. Most, if not all, of these bands deserve more praise than they are awarded. They represent everything right with the music industry, and always put their best foot forward.
As in our overrated bands post, we'll be stick with active bands, and excluding pop acts (i.e. Katy Perry, Lady Gaga) as we're working on those lists for another time. If you think we forgot a band, comment and let us know. We're sorry if we make anyone butthurt. Top 10s tend to do that to people. Click our Top 10 / Quicks Page to read more lists like this one, and to view our "honorable mentions".
10. Yellowcard
The early 00s were the high point in pop punk. But the more time that passes, the more those bands have started to fizzle out. Yellowcard are sadly no exception. Despite writing albums that only seem to get better with time, the world has passed on their pop punk for loose boy bands like All Time Low, Sleeping with Sirens, and 5 Seconds of Summer. And that's a real shame since without Yellowcard those bands probably wouldn't exist. They, along with pop punk royalty blink-182 and New Found Glory, are responsible for the current pop punk sound we hear in other bands like State Champs, As It Is and We Are The In Crowd. Plus you have to give a pop punk band that manages to incorporate violin into their music a round of applause. For those of you interested, we recommend you put an ear to "Fighting", "Way Away", massive hit "Ocean Avenue", and "Make Me So".
9. Alkaline Trio
Another early 00s punk band lost in recent years. Today most have taken note of Alkaline Trio due to frontman Matt Skiba joining blink-182 as Tom Delonge's replacement. And while we're very curious as to what that formation will produce, we can't forget about AT. Their most recent album, "My Shame is True" is a modern pop punk masterpiece. Proving the band still have a few tricks up their sleeve, the album is full of catchy choruses, and classic riffs. But nothing beats their golden years, during the "From Here to Infirmary" to "Good Mourning" era (2001 to about 2006). For novice listeners, we suggest songs "Stupid Kid", "We've Had Enough", "Time to Waste", "Calling All Skeletons, and "I Wanna Be A Warhol".
8. Anarbor
Currently on hiatus, this is one of those bands that makes us remember misspent youth and the summer of 2010. You'll know Anarbor's music from the brief TV spots in shows like Stoked and Jersey Shore. Their knack for writing songs that very much follow the "sex, drugs and rock n' roll" lifestyle drew fans of all kinds in. Their 2nd album, "Burnout" is a masterpiece, but is often overlooked. There are moments of mainstream pop rock (tracks like "Damage I've Done", "18" and "Freaks"), but the majority of the album is Anarbor's brand of garage, alt. rock. Frontman and bassist Slade Echeverria writes infectious choruses backed with gritty guitars and smooth bass lines. If you're looking for something with a bit more twang, and spunk go for "The Brightest Green" "Every High Has A Come Down" or "Passion for Publication". For something a bit more rock oriented we recommend "Whiskey in Hell", "Gypsy Woman", "Fast, Cheap, And Out of Control", and "Always Dirty, Never Clean"
7. Transit (broke up April 2016)
If you had any doubts surrounding this band's origins, look at their 4th album "Young New England" for guidance. Transit is an alt. rock, indie pop punk band hailing from Massachusetts. They've done Warped Tour 2012 and 2015, been on tour with bands like Four Year Strong and Forever Came Calling, and have released 5 albums. Their most recent being "Joyride", which was released during the fall of 2014. It marks a shift in the band's style, leaning more on pop than in previous albums. The band is known for drawing on various indie, pop punk influences. The result is sublime, and deserves a lot more praise than it gets. It's comforting, the kind of music that you'd listen to while drinking hot chocolate in front of a fireplace. Don't believe us? Put an ear to "Long Lost Friends", "Skipping Stones" or "Nothing Lasts Forever". And for some more pop infused tracks go for "Sweet Resistance", "Ignition & Friction" and "Rest to Get Better", all from the aforementioned "Joyride".
6. I the Mighty
5. Tonight Alive
A Sydney based band, they are Australia's response to Paramore. The only difference between the two being their levels of success. Tonight Alive started out as pop punk band, but in recent years have turned to a more alt. rock style. Their live performances are fueled by Jenna McDougall's stage presence, and the band's high octane songs. For years the band has been in the shadow of their American counterparts, but at long last they've finally begun to shine on their own. They set themselves apart with their rhythmic verses and explosive choruses. Most recently they've been dabbling in electronic rock like peers PVRIS. We are eager to see what the band has in store for us in the future. Lead guitarist Whakaio Taahi has written some of the best guitar riffs. One of their strongest songs is"The Fire". Roots heavily planted in punk rock, it's got a lead guitar intro to rival blink-182's "What's My Age Again?" Be sure to check out "Starlight", "Listening", "Lonely Girl", "Come Home", "The Edge", and their newest single "To Be Free" if you're intrigued.
4. State Champs
A pop punk band from New York that has the 5 Seconds of Summer stamp of approval. It might not mean much to hardcore pop punk fans, but it certainly doesn't hurt to get some mainstream exposure. And State Champs deserve every bit of success they get. After several EPs, they released their debut album, "The Finer Things" through Pure Noise Records in 2013. It was, and is, the best pop punk debut we've heard to date. The New Found Glory-esc choruses (perhaps due to former NFG guitarist Steve Klein producing), and horribly infectious riffs are unrivaled. There's a strong punk presence, which fans of 90s pop punk will enjoy. And for fans of the more pop side of pop punk, there's the band's new album "Around the World and Back". Their sophomore effort features some more mainstream influences, while still holding true to SC's brand of pop punk. It's a transition from New Found Glory to A Day to Remember style pop punk. If you're not humming along after listening to these songs ("Elevated", "Nothing's Wrong", "Secrets", "Losing Myself" and "All You Are is History") then you should probably see a doctor. You might be going deaf, we can't think of a logical reason not to like these guys.
3. Hands Like Houses

2. The Wonder Years
1. The Color Morale
Though The Color Morale have been around just as long as more popular bands like blessthefall, Sleeping with Sirens, and We Came as Romans, they have only recently begun to gain popularity. The band's positive lyrics and gritty post hardcore style has earned the band a loyal fanbase, that continues to grow every day. Frontman Garret Rapp writes about his own experiences with suicide, depression, and faith. Unlike other artists, whose messages and lyrics can come off a little too preachy for some, Garret's have always seemed the most sincere. Maybe it's in the delivery, or the passionate live shows the band puts on. Whatever it is, we're glad to have it. The band's 2014 album is an anagram for HOPE (Hold On Pain Ends). If that doesn't tell you something about TCM, then maybe their 2013 album's title, "Know Hope", will. As hard as it is to choose, we'd have to recommend the following songs for first time listeners; "Strange Comfort", "Learned Behavior", "Prey for Me", "Is Happiness a Mediocre Sin?", "Demon Teeth", "Falling Awake", and "Humannequin". But seriously, 90% of their music is phenomenal, 9/10. The other 10% gets something like a 7.5 or 8/10.