We all love when two of our favorite bands go on tour together. We know not everyone has the same musical taste, but for some fans the following lineups will prove to be the ideal tour. Some of these bands may have toured together in the past, and we'd love to see them tour again! So read on, and see what are our Dream Tour line ups!
To see our Honorable Mentions, and read more lists like this please go to our Top 10/Quick Picks page. **THESE ARE NOT REAL TOURS, and are NOT listed in any particular order.
5. The "New"-Metal Tour - We Came as Romans with The Color Morale, ICE NINE KILLS, and Wage War
A metalcore tour for the books, and hopefully you understood the punny tour title. We Came as Romans have already toured with The Color Morale on the "Present, Future, and Past Tour". ICE NINE KILLS are rising stars in the metalcore circuit, having just released their 4th album, "Every Trick in the Book". Throw in metalcore newcomers Wage War, who are proving to be quite the live band themselves, and we couldn't really ask for more. All respective bands have songs with great hooks and hard hitting breakdowns. ICE NINE KILLS adds the right amount of theatrics, to make for a truly unique night. All bands utilize both clean and unclean vocals (though Wage War has more songs with unclean than not). Imagine a night that goes from "Blueprints" to "Let's Bury the Hatchet... In Your Head" to "Learned Behavior" and ended with "Broken Statures".
4. The "Throwing it Back to the 90s" Tour - blink-182 and New Found Glory with Neck Deep, and State Champs

This lineup shouldn't have to be justified. You've got the undisputed KINGS of their genre, with support from the next generation pop punk. An ideal blink-182 tour would include Tom Delonge, but it's probably time everyone accept Matt Skiba as a member. New Found Glory needs no introduction, they're the successors to blink-182's goofball, tongue-in-cheek style pop punk. What's more, they've stood the test of time. And then you've got the 2013 wave of pop punk helmed by Neck Deep, and State Champs. Each embodying the spirit of 90s and 00s pop punk, but with their own signature styles. A night to remember (get it?), hearing "Hard to Please", "Crushing Grief", "My Friends Over You" and topping it all off with "Dammit"
3. The "Not really core" Tour - Hands Like Houses with I the Mighty, Too Close to Touch, and Alive Like Me
This one did kind of happen last fall, during Hands Like Houses "Dissonants Tour". They brought Too Close to Touch and I the Mighty with them for various legs of their world tour. But we'd still love to see this lineup again. The reason behind the title, well none of the bands do the typical "core" music genres. They all mix in alt. rock, post hardcore, exp. rock, and ambient rock to make something truely unique. And let's face it, almost every thing they've released thus far is perfect. Hands Like Houses' newest album "Dissonants" hits every mark and earns them a 10/10. I the Mighty's sophomore record, "Connector" meets and beats their debut. Both TCTT and ALM had debut albums to die for. Rounding out the perfect night with "Slip Away", "The Deep End", "Speak to Me" and "Colourblind".
2. The "Leading Ladies" Tour - Paramore with Tonight Alive, PVRIS, and Courage My Love
This lineup shouldn't need to be justified or explained. It's a guaranteed night of great music, by great bands, and some kick as ladies These are the females who managed to weasel their way into the "boys club" and take charge. Hayley Williams was the first, and still the best. Then you have Jenna McDougall, the "Australian Hayley Williams" as some would say. The newcomer Lynn Gunn, whose been taking the world by storm every since 2013. And last but not least, the sister duo of Mercedes and Phoenix Am-Horn (they've got the COOLEST names don't they?) Picture this, a night that starts with "Cold-Blooded", then leads into "My House", then "Lonely Girl" before ending with "Brick by Boring Brick".
1. The "U.K meets U.S" Tour - Bring Me the Horizon, Architects, The Word Alive, and SECRETS
Two of the U.K's greatest modern metalcore giants (though BMTH is leaning towards alt. rock these days), and two often overlooked "core" bands from the U.S. Bring Me The Horizon needs no introduction (I've read about bands like you on the backs of toilet doors). They may be changing their sound up now, but their live sets mainly consist of their "Sempiternal" era songs. Which works, since those are arguably the best collection of songs from the band. Then you get Architects and The Word Alive. Two bands who have taken a cue from BMTH, and started to mix up their metal routine with some electronics and orchestration. And last, SECRETS, are the breath of fresh air hardcore needs. Their high energy choruses, and sing-along lyrics make their live shows a real treat. Especially when they do some of their heavier material. When they breakdown, they BREAK-fucking-DOWN. Starting things off right with "Dance of the Dead", then hit hard with "Glass Castle", and "Gravedigger", and cap everything off with "Sleepwalking".