Keep in mind we can only listen to so many albums, so if you think an album should be included, please message us, or leave a comment. We're sorry if anyone gets butthurt, but as we said before, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
We know, we know, a bunch of you are going to get butt-hurt because we're classifying this as a pop punk album. But in all fairness it kind of is, a tad more power pop, pop rock with pop punk influences. A boy band with instruments, 5SOS flew to mainstream attention after 1D plugged them on social media. Long story short, they're everywhere now with this less than interesting debut. A fairly generic collection of songs, they fall victim to many pop punk cliches. What frightens me the most is the fact that every song has over 4 different writers on it.Some typically make good music (i.e. John Feldman, the producer behind albums from We Came As Romans, The Used, and Beartooth, and Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low). But all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't make this album anything more than mediocre. The band should have focused on creating their own sound, instead of being a pale imitation of their idols.
4. "Dirty Work" - All Time Low
You can use one word to describe this album, disappointment. Another one of John Feldman's train wrecks, this was ATL's major label debut, and their major mistake. The album fell flat to say the least. The lead single was nothing short of a poorly written track with a chorus so boring and slow, you won't "feel like dancing", but sleeping. The band's music becomes nothing more than an attempt to break into the mainstream music scene, with cliche hooks, uninspired guitars, and cringe worthy production. It doesn't even sound like ATL. Sure it had some brighter spots in "Forget About It" and "Time Bomb", but overall it was a big let down after "Nothing Personal". Thank god for "Don't Panic", because that album really saved them from becoming a major label flop.
3. "Save Each Other, The Whales Are Doing Fine" Patent Pending

With a title like that, do you have to wonder why this album make the list? A cheesy, slightly annoying pop punk band from New York, I swear to whatever deity exists I lost a few IQ points after listening to this album. One of, if not the most condescending album on the list, it is the musical equal to weed. Doesn't take a genius to enjoy it, is good in small quantities, but will kill your brain if you have too much. The band does nothing for themselves with this album. Lyrically and instrumentally, this album is bland and void of any original thoughts. Mediocre is an understatement for this debut. Thankfully their more recent material isn't as horrible (Though "Douchebag" and "Hey Mario" are just as bad as their debut material). Still, there are much better choices out there.
With a title like that, do you have to wonder why this album make the list? A cheesy, slightly annoying pop punk band from New York, I swear to whatever deity exists I lost a few IQ points after listening to this album. One of, if not the most condescending album on the list, it is the musical equal to weed. Doesn't take a genius to enjoy it, is good in small quantities, but will kill your brain if you have too much. The band does nothing for themselves with this album. Lyrically and instrumentally, this album is bland and void of any original thoughts. Mediocre is an understatement for this debut. Thankfully their more recent material isn't as horrible (Though "Douchebag" and "Hey Mario" are just as bad as their debut material). Still, there are much better choices out there.
2. "Everything?" - Smash Mouth
Another victim of the 1 hit wonder curse, the band has received minimal success in recent years. Aside from their hit "All Star", they haven't done anything remotely interesting, or something that can be classified outside "snooze fest". In 2014, Chunk! No Captain Chunk! covered the song for "Punk Goes 90s, Vol. 2". Smash Mouth themselves admitted that the cover was better than the original. And it's also a bit ironic since the band is notorious for doing covers that are better than their originals. Their debut is the best album they've ever done. Unfortunately they decided to abandon any and all talent in favor of a sound that finds a nice home in tween playlists. Emotionless vocals, and sugar coated songs don't do anything but make you shake your head. The worst sin is the programming, which is a mix of surf rock, 80s electronic, and just plain annoying.
1. "The Young and Helpless" and everything that came after - Good Charlotte
Similar to Fall Out Boy, as their career's continued, they moved further and further into mainstream rock territory. The difference, FOB managed to do it in a way where it didn't feel like someone was trying to jam something down your throat. The band's debut was tolerable, and showed promise for the band as a part of pop punk's second wave. But what comes after isn't worth anyone's time. The songs on "The Young and Helpless" sound like bad blink-182 covers, and are devoid of any interesting lyrics. And everything that has come after is just as bad. "The Chronicles of Life and Death" is an album split down the middle. Half the songs are attempts to become mainstream crossovers, the others are weak homages to their pop punk roots . "Good Morning Revival" came around, but the band did not revive their original sound. They moved forward with electronic, heavily produced and auto tuned music. Their most popular song "Dance Floor Anthem" is a complete rip off of The Killers sound. These guys don't have an original thought in their heads.